What is resl Success?

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What is Real Success?

Everyone wants success, and yet they often
don't know when they have it.
For most, it is the maddening chase toward a better
way of life or more of something.
More fame, power, recognition, money, or material stuff.For
some, it is the understanding of a loving partner, the love of
their child, or the people that they can count on when life
throws them a curve.
I am coming to believe that success is not more material
wealth, but peace, happiness, contentment, and love.
Most of all love.
Real success is not to be sought after in the outer world, but
discovered in your inner world. I am not condemning the
stuff of life. We all want the things that life offers.
But we don't need as much as we think we do.
Sooner or later you will discover that real success is
friends, strangers,
and anyone who crosses our path.
It is kindness shared, support given and received, listening,
giving, and caring.
These will endure while your car rusts, your toys break, and
you tire of the temporary gratifications that bring you what
you think is real.
What matters is people.
What lasts is love.
What counts are true friends, and if you treasure these
you can count yourself a success.


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