Success Personified

Success Personified To each morning the sun does shine When all seems like a newborn time To dwell in laughter so much Is only the beginning for me to clutch. I will go out to find Intelligent people of like mind. To suffer or endure Of friends who but will not do. To look upon the earth with glee For all beauty is in me To grasp the clouds way up high There is more before I die. May I go upon the street Never ending on my feet Seeking out the best in others Always to find I have more brothers. To make a part of the world A better place you see. For every one I must explore To look upon them as no one before. To seek out and help Others is more than joy To be valued and respected In all my life reflected. All of this as said before Makes me want to reach out more For it is a challenge for me to reach This is success for all to preach.


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