The Optimist Vs The Pessimist

Be Inspired by My Words of Wisdom The Optimist vs the Pessimist The optimist turns the impossible into the possible; the pessimist turns the possible into the impossible. The optimist pleasantly ponders how high the kite will fly; the pessimist woefully wonders how soon the kite will fall. The optimist sees a green near every sand trap; the pessimist sees a sand trap near every green. The optimist looks at the horizon and sees an opportunity; the pessimist peers into the distance and fears a problem. To the optimist all doors have handles and hinges; to the pessimist all doors have locks and latches. The optimist promotes progress, prosperity and plenty; the pessimist preaches limitations, liabilities and losses. The optimist accentuates assets, abundance, and advantages; the pessimist majors in mistakes, misfortunes and misery. The optimist goes out and finds the bell; the pessimist gives up and wrings his or her hands. "The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision."


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