Regret Today

Get Inspired Today Regret Today How many times do we say something that we immediately realized was not the right thing to say? How many times do we look back on an event and think, if only I had. . . How many times do we do something that we wish hadn't done? You can't change what has been said. You can't change a past event. You can't change what has been done. Do you call it regret, sorrow, repentance? Do you think about what might have been? Do you relive an event the way it should have been? Forget about regret, and focus. Focus on today, not on the past. Focus on what you can do, not what you didn't do. The only thing to regret is living in the past The only thing to feel sorrow for is not living each day to the fullest. The only thing to do to repent is to sincerely say, I'm sorry. Don't live your life regretting yesterday. Live your life so tomorrow you won't regret today.


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