Playing The Game

Inspiration for the Day Playing The Game Some love and some hurt, And others play their games. They pretend to be your friend, While behind your back are lighting flames. These people are all around, Some we know and some we don't. But eventually they are seen, And are dismantled off their throne. The only thing I can manage to say, About people just like this, Is they are very unhappy people, And hurting others to them is bliss. When it is that they are found, You have a choice or two. Remove them from your life , Or play the game they play with you. Playing the game with them, Can bring you down to their level. You'll often feel fake and sometimes feel played, But we sometimes have to entertain the devil. If turning away is an option, And sometimes this isn't so. Choose to live you life around people, Who want you to be happy and grow. Sometimes we can't choose the people, That fill our lives everyday. But we will always have the option, Of how often certain people can stay. So decide on which people make you happy, And choose people that want to see you grow. Being around positive , strong people, Will make you feel happier so. "Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most."


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