Share Your Dreams

Share Your Dreams Poem
It is scary to share your dreams with another.
Will she respect and love them like you do, or will
she laugh that you even dreamed daring dreams.
Do you have the strength for friendship?

Come with me and share your dreams
we'll sit on clouds and float down streams
we'll laugh together as we play
and you'll tell me your dreams throughout the day
come on now don't be shy
you don't have to worry for we won't say goodbye
take my hand we shall fly like a dove
we don't have to come down, we'll forever float
I care about your thoughts and dreams
I'd shine on you all the sun beams
you don't have to lie to me, you don't have to be fake
say whatever you want, I know its something I can
there are no rules with me, do what ever you want
all day long
the only thing I ask is that you tell me your dreams
and be strong
so come with me and share your dreams
we'll sit on clouds and float down streams.


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