A Soldier Of Life

This poem holds great significance to me. It
somewhat explains the battle of an "uneasy life"
and the war between my thoughts and my
emotions. It summarizes something I feel that I
face every day and the determination to achieve
happiness. If others can find it relatable and
somewhat comforting to know that they're not
alone, then I have achieved what I set out to do. If
reading this poem, I'd appreciate your time and
any given feedback. Thank you.

Wounded and broken,
But still we stand tall.
No challenge too over-bearing,
And no fear too consuming.
For each day is a battle,
One we do not always win,
But our persistence is our courage.
We fight with all that we have,
And sometimes that is not enough,
Yet still we continue in a battle
With victory seeming impossible.
Our determination and dreams of happiness
Are not only our guidance,
But also a dagger in our back,
For it is the euphoric joy and brightness
That we battle for.
With each passing loss,
The prospects of happiness begin to grow dim.
Again we continue to fight,
Disregarding the wounds of our previous battles,
Ignoring what may seem inevitable.
For every once in a while we stand,
Our heads held high, victorious at last.
It is now that we find the will-power to keep fighting,
To continue in this never ending war.
But for that brief moment of victory,
We embrace the beauty that is life and all it has to


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