Chasms And Bridges

Story :Ted L Glines has been writing since 1965, with
many poems published in college literary
magazines and the "underground" free press
(Village Voice, etc.).

Poet: © Ted L Glines

Topic: Chasms And Bridges

Whether dancing the circle
or sitting in the pews,
the world is full of wonder
and knee-jerk news.
For those full of spite
and woeful complaining,
the world is full of darkness;
no hope remaining.
Diversity spawns,
attacking spasms,
elevating hate
and deepening the chasms.
You are who you are,
smart as a fox;
why confine yourself
to a bleak little box?
For those full of love
and compassion caring,
the world is full of brightness
and warmth in sharing.
Diversity spawns
a chance to build bridges,
elevating love
and life privileges.
You are who you are,
smart as a fox;
expressing yourself,
you're out of that box!
We can make this world
a beautiful place
if we toss away frowns
and put smiles on our face.
Abolish that burden
of complaints you've been lugging;
begin building bridges
and get used to hugging!


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