A Voice Behind

Story Behind: Hope you like this poem. Never rest without

Topic: A Voice Behind

When into sorrow, my poor soul sinks
When a sound of despair in my heart rings
I'm strongly pushed to do my best
By a voice that says, "There is still hope you dare
not rest."
When chains of sorrow surround me well
When in my self, I feel like hell
I'm forced to face life with its tests
By a voice that says,"There is still hope you dare not
When I just feel like crying aloud
When all my worries rise like a cloud
I'm guarded safe like a bird in its nest
By a voice that says,"There is still hope you dare not
From all my fears, I now am free
I'm good and strong, I could clearly see,
But can anyone say, is it from east or west
That I hear the voice, "There is still hope you dare
not rest."
With hope and courage, I just am full
Because of the voice, that gave me a very strong pull
It's my loving God, the unseen guest
Who says,"There is still hope you dare not rest."


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