Lost Innocence

Poem About How The World Has
Taken A Turn For The Worse
Humans have wronged, and I have noticed. You
must imagine how strange it feels to a 14-year-
old girl having to hear of all this hatred in school
and on television. Unlike many teens, I'm using
my talents to explain how I view the world. This
took me a while to write and I had many
mistakes to fix before I was comfortable enough
to put it online. I hope that everyone who reads it
can see a glimpse of the world from my
perspective. Thank you for reading. I hope you

Topic:Lost Innocence

Wind whistling,
Snow glistening,
We try not to,
But we're all listening.
Loud screams,
Bad dreams,
It's very far,
But close it seems.
Sad day,
Lost our way,
All we can do,
Is simply pray.
Innocence gone,
Life no longer long,
We may not know,
But we're all doing wrong.
Joy lost,
The Holocaust,
We look to see,
Hearts covered in frost.
Wars fought,
Sins taught,
Making mistakes,
Hoping not to be caught.
Not taking blame,
Pushing for fame,
As advanced as we are,
We're still all untamed.
Too much pride,
Needing a guide,
We will deny it,
But behind lies we hide.
Hurting others,
Betraying brother,
Many forgetting,
To appreciate mothers.
Lies are fed,
Filling heart and head,
Through all of these years,
Innocent blood has been shed.
Children abandoned,
Lonely and stranded,
We're all wasting the life
That we have been handed.
Taking from the poor,
We're loving no more,
Fight to be free,
End up starting a war.
People starting fights,
No longer enjoying the sights,
While mere mortals are taking
Our God given rights.
Soldiers killed,
Void can't be filled,
Pay close attention,
For pure souls have been tilled.
Need to find peace,
Work together like geese,
But greatest of all,
The hate needs to cease.


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