Poem About Son Loving Step-
Father Vs. Real Dad
Why do some abuse the ones they love the most
and pay a price that leaves them out of the

My Father And My Dad

Hurrying to pack up all your stuff in the middle of the
All because your Mother and Father are in another
abusive fight.
You hear all that yelling and screaming at such a
young age.
It feels like a scared dog that's trapped in its cage.
But your Father beating your Mother until she can't
take it no more.
I walk out of my bedroom to see her bloody and
lying on the floor.
I was only three years old, but these memories still
run through my head.
No wonder all my life I told everybody, that my
Father was dead.
He did nothing to help my Mother with my sister and
Mom was always working her fingers to the bone to
take care of us three.
Then she met someone who put us all first in his life.
Together they had a baby and he made her his wife.
He has done more for me than my own Father has,
and that makes me mad.
But that's why he'll be my Father and you'll always
be my dad.


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