Be Realistic
Be Realistic
We all have dreams and desires. Some of these dreams
are bigger and bolder than others while some of our
desires are merely things that we want in order to
satisfy a lifestyle. We know that there is a huge
difference between a need and a want; a need is
something you have to acquire usually on a constant
basis for survival, for example food, clothing, and a
roof over your head. A want, on the other hand, is
something is nice to have like a new car, a new iphone,
or beautiful furniture but is essentially something that
is not necessary for survival.
The aspect of needs is also parallel to the realistic
achievement of goals. In order to get what you want
you have to be able to get what you need. If this
sounds strange or a reversal of the normal explanation,
bear with me as I explain more.
To some people, the realization of a goal is a
psychological need necessary to become whole - that is,
without achieving the desired goal, they are incomplete
just as if they had food to prepare to eat but no way to
cook it. One is a necessary completion of the other.
"Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not b
those who dare to fail."
Lester B. Pearson
Now, on the other hand, there are goals that one would
like to accomplish but some of these goals cannot be
attained without first making it to a sub-level, This
means that one must be realistic about achieving goals.
But, this does not mean you shouldn't set a very high
It means that certain steps must be attained first before
you can set out to the next step on the ladder to the
final accomplishment. For example, I know a young
woman who really needed to feel that she was helping
others and her goal was to become a doctor. However,
as she started university, she realized that she could
not bear to accumulate the debt that completing her
medical degree would cost. I spoke with her father just
a couple of days ago, and she told him she was
considering revising her goal to become a doctor but
not revising her goal to help people in a professional
way. So, her desire to be a doctor was reinterpreted to
help others by becoming a speech therapist.
What did she accomplish? For one thing, her goal
destination was altered but her need wasn't. Secondly,
she was being realistic. She knew she really couldn't
afford the accumulated debt on her pathway to
becoming a doctor, but she could afford to become a
speech therapist.
Not all goals can be accomplished but that doesn't
mean you should not set out to accomplish what you
need, and know this, that there is a difference between
a 'need' goal and a 'want' goal.
In the process of attaining a goal, there is something
that you should also bear in mind. And, that is not to
be totally consumed by your goal achievement to the
point where all other aspects of life take a back seat.
This means that your life is not meant to be solely
dedicated to reaching your goal without enjoying the
trip or taking side trips.
The aspect of taking side trips means that you do not
dedicate all of your available time just to work on your
goal. It means that, instead, you take the time to enjoy
aspects of life that are goal-oriented. For example, give
yourself permission to take a break once a week to do
something totally different like going out with your
friends, or taking a long brisk walk through the park,
or going to the country for a cross-country ski day, or
a picnic for the afternoon with your partner or
children. You cannot dedicate every waking moment to
accomplishing a dream because to do so means that you
will never recharge your batteries, and will compound
your stress levels for lack of relaxing moments.
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