Good questions to make her fall

21+ Good Questions to
Keep Her Interested
& Curious!
1. “What is something you have tried, but
will never do again?”
2. “What quirky habit do you have?”
3. “Who is your best friend?”
4. “What is the one thing you did in your
past you wish you could undo?”
5. “What is your biggest fear?”
6. “What is the one place in the world you
wish you lived in?”
7. “Would you rather be loved or have a lot
of money?”
8. “What is the happiest memory from your
9. “What is the most embarrassing moment
of your life?”
10. “What would your dream date be like?”
11. “What would you change about your
personality & look?”
12. “Who has influenced you the most in
your life?”
13. “What is something you used to do as a
child that you wish you could still do?”
14. “What is the worst thing about dating?”
15. “What is the one career you would love
to enter?”
16. “Are you close with your family?”
17. “What is the one movie that influenced
your life the most?”
18. “Where is the one place in the world you
feel safe?”
19. “What is the one thing you want to
experience before you die?”
20. “What is your ultimate goal in life?”
10 Flirty Questions to
Make Her Fall for You!
21. “Which is the first region your eyes
would wander to if you were to ever see me
22. “Have you ever decided to kiss or make
out with a guy just because you were
23. “What is the naughtiest moment in your
school days that you can remember?”
24. “If I ask you to ask me to do something
naughty what would you prefer the most
from me?”
25. “Have you ever had a dream about being
a lesbian?”
26. “What do you prefer; thongs or panties?”
27. “While you are kissing, what types of
other things you prefer to be done
28. “Where you do like being touched the
29. “What is your wildest sexual secret that
you want to indulge in at least once in your
30. “Have you ever had an unexpected


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