Poem written out of Emotions for a lady
Story behind : A copy right of a movie
just make sure you enjoy the poem.

She does to me
What winter does to the trees
She strips me bare, naked and empty.
I laugh to myself, because... I can't sing, it's just..  She makes me want to try and harmonize.
Like I've got no worries bothering me tomorrow.
Like I've got no dirty clothes hamper full of yesterdays ,stinking up what future is left in me.
But I really ain't no saint,
Never felt love true bliss.
A disciple of my father, I learned to love with clenched fists.
I learned to love like reading braille on skin.
Tracing the insecurities of women through the palms of their hands.
But with her, it was different.
See, she was in every single word I wrote.
She walked a poets refrain.
Spoke a sweet soliloquy.
But I recognize the lack of trust in my own heart.
Because only a fool won't accept the nourishment that's right before their eyes.
Instead he will starve.
I look at her and every time she smiles, it reminds me of everything I stole from myself.
Every joy I never had the courage to taste.
As you learn to love yourself better...Teach  me.
As you learn to forgive yourself for failing.. Teach me.
As you learn to accept strength and vulnerability... Teach  me.
Somedays I miss the burn of a love lost.
Or maybe...
Just maybe I never found true love, until right now.
I love you, ______
Like, I loved you. https://www.google.com.ng/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/love/&ved=2ahUKEwjDxee76_fdAhVgF8AKHUEvBLkQFjAAegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw3gkCNcB7e0pjiEWCr5Xryg


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